
Recruiters have their work cut out for them in 2020
Recruiters have their work cut out for them in 2020

At various points over the last few years we’ve mentioned the impact Brexit may have on the recruitment sector.

Well, now we’re out of the EU. The paperwork has been signed, even if the ink is still drying. And if any recruiter believed our exit would put an end to uncertainty in the industry, they may have to wait a little longer.

However, it appears that the uncertainty being felt by candidates is nothing to do with Brexit, but more to do with the worth of recruitment agencies in 2020.

New research by UK recruitment company Tempo found that more than half of the 2000 UK candidates they polled don’t trust recruiters. A summary of their findings makes for damning reading:

Whilst only Tempo can expand on the wider context of their research, the main messages appear to centre on the belief that recruiters do not add value to the job search process, i.e. candidates believe that recruiters rarely find suitable roles that the candidate wouldn’t otherwise be able to find themselves.

We reported in a recent post just how many recruitment website design agencies there are across the UK and how the sector is growing, a statistic that is hard to marry up if candidates truly believe what the survey shows. If today’s new talent really believed that recruiters weren’t worth bothering with, there’s no way so many agencies would be in business.

That’s not to say there won’t be some recruiters out there who, despite their best efforts, are not quite providing what candidates and clients want them to provide.

This disparity may simply be a question of expectations and a lack of clarity when it comes to an agency’s message. Even if you’re confident in the value you give your customers, there’s never any harm in being objective about your offering and looking at it through the eyes of the people buying your services.

So, here’s a task: have a look at your marketing materials and what your website conveys…

• Do you over-promise?
• Is it clear what you offer candidates?
• Are you really privy to roles that aren’t widely advertised?
• What do you offer a candidate or client that they couldn’t achieve if they attempted to deal with each other directly?
• What value do you bring?
• Do you truly concentrate on what’s in your clients’/candidates’ best interests, or do you only focus on your fee (a belief that cropped up in Tempo’s research)?

Everything that your website proclaims (either directly or indirectly) is what you must adopt or practise. Read it through: is there any area that’s a bit ‘woolly’? Do you imply anything that isn’t accurate? Would a client or candidate be clear on what they should expect from you for your fee?

Given that Tempo’s research showed 52% of millennials plan to move jobs in the next couple of years, there’s plenty of work to be won, but, it appears, only for the recruiters who are upfront and honest about what they can achieve.

At Fast Recruitment Websites, we not only help you hone your message, we will ensure you’re easily differentiable from your competitors. Visitors spend less than three seconds on a website, and if their brains don’t instantly find what they’re expecting to see, they’ll simply click away - which is the last thing you want in today’s competitive world.

Call us on 01302 288 591 or visit our website and complete the contact form; we’ll answer your query as soon as we possibly can.

Recruiters offer incredible value and do a fantastic job in today’s world of job-hoppers and ‘new career junkies’. Let us help you make that clear…

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