
Is your website ready for Google's update on 21st April?
Is your website ready for Google's update on 21st April?
If you want your website and job vacancies to be listed in Google's mobile search results after 21st April, you might want to read this.
On 21st April 2015, Google is expected to make updates that will have a significant impact onmobilesearch results worldwide formobilesearchers. 
The update is intended to improve rankings for sites that provide amobile-friendlyexperience to searchers onmobiledevices, and, by association, may demote sites that do not.
Note that the mobile-friendly update only affects mobile search results - i.e. searches from smartphones and tablets - not searches conducted on a desktop or laptop computer.
Google does offer a simple tool to check if your site is mobile friendly. Please see
For the last 12 months, we have been building all of our new sites using responsive Recruitment web design to ensure they are mobile friendly meaning new customers can come to us in confidence. 
If your website does not meet Google's requirements, get in touch and we will help you avoid losing traffic. 
To learn more about Google's plans, please visit
If you want to discuss your situation with an expert now, call us on 01302 247 010.

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