
Our green credentials
Our green credentials

COP26 was just a few weeks ago—where the leaders of various countries came together to discuss climate change and viable solutions.

Though governments are still talking about the green initiatives they could try, most companies in the private sector have been committed for many years now towards improving their environmental credentials and offsetting any negative impact they have on the planet. Whether this is by reducing their carbon footprint/emissions, using recyclable packaging for their products, encouraging remote or flexible working to reduce the amount of commuting their workforce has to do, or using smart/energy-saving technology…there are lots of things they could employ that would truly make a difference.

As a company that offers recruitment website design, it’s easy for us to work remotely; the carbon footprint of Fast Recruitment Websites in this regard, therefore, is already very low. We don’t offer tangible products that require packaging, we recycle everything we can as a business, and we use LED lighting that doesn’t take as much power to run.

And, when it comes to choosing suppliers, we always evaluate their green credentials, along with everything else they can offer us.

Technology, of course, forms the very foundation of our business. But tech needs to be powered somehow, and this is the biggest area in which we’ve taken conscious steps to be kinder to the environment.

Fast Recruitment Websites’ data centre houses the servers upon which all of our client’s websites are hosted. The facility we use is called Volta, which is based in London. All of Volta’s power is sourced from 100% carbon neutral, renewable energy providers, such as UK wind farms, and this has been the case since 2017.

All the equipment and infrastructure that Volta sources and installs is of the highest energy efficiency rating possible that can be deployed. Volta’s prime location is on two separate diverse power rings within London’s upgraded 33kV network; this means that they are one of the most power-resilient data centres in the UK. Volta adds, ‘We’re a carrier-neutral data facility with 20+ diverse entry points and over 25 carriers on-site. Volta customers access the level of connectivity they need from the providers they prefer, which means diversity, flexibility, and cost-efficiency, with the power to adapt and the ability to stay agile.’

One worry, certainly for the general public in respect of their own energy needs, aside from environmental issues, is the continuity of the energy supply. As you’d imagine, this is a concern for businesses, too. At Fast Recruitment Websites, we strive to be ultra-efficient as a business. Using lower carbon energy solutions, such as wind farms, is not just a good move for our climate, it’s also an energy resource that exists in nature and something that is, therefore, unlikely to ‘run out’. Such decisions ultimately help our company become more resilient and sustainable.

The recruitment agencies we work with not only receive a great service from Fast Recruitment Websites, they can also feel reassured that we’re an environmentally-conscious company that is doing all it can to minimise its impact on the climate, and one that is working to become carbon neutral in the not-too-distant future.

Climate change is a huge issue, but it becomes far less of a challenge when we all do our bit.

Why not contact us for a friendly chat about your recruitment website and your business’s digital needs? You can reach us on 01302 288591.

And, from all of us at Fast Recruitment Websites, have a wonderful Christmas and a very Happy New Year.

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