
Googling for jobs? What’s that, then?
Googling for jobs? What’s that, then?

Googling for jobs? Should this even be ‘a thing’? Let’s face it, we use Google for everything else, why shouldn’t it change the face of recruitment, too?

The world’s biggest and most-used search engine has infiltrated the land of recruitment by launching ‘Google for Jobs’. It initially ran in the US only, and last month it came to the UK.

Recruiters are used to working with Google, adapting to its ever-changing algorithms and SEO practices - so, how much difference will this move make? Was it something the universe even needed?

Google hasn’t created a different platform or product; Google for Jobs is simply an enhanced search solution for anyone on the hunt for their ideal role.

Some experts claim this is yet another racket from Google to gather more data and ultimately collect revenue from a sector they were previously uninvolved with. These experts suspect Google will change their rules as the Google for Jobs solution grows in popularity, so that it shines brighter than even paid listings, let alone organic ones. And at that point, will they start to charge?

Of course, to the end user, Google for Jobs is seen as a shortcut, a time-saver, a must-have. Why trawl through numerous job-sites and across various job boards when you can simply kick Google’s search capabilities into action and have the results you seek filtered and brought to you in one move? Google will even use its AI to bring you roles like the one you’re looking for, but which may be listed under different terms. For example, searching for ‘computer programmer’ may yield results for ‘software developers’ at your fingertips, too. Candidates, therefore, may find Google for Jobs ground-breaking.

Google insists it’s not about to put the likes of Indeed or Reed out of business. They say that recruiters don’t need to change their habits or the places where they post adverts, and that it’s as easy as pie to ensure any listing they post appears under Google for Jobs.

But, not everyone agrees. Some think that Google for Jobs could negatively impact smaller recruitment web design firms that may not have the relevant technical expertise needed (i.e. with such as Schema formatting) to ensure their job listings appear high up in Google’s rankings. They predict that the larger job boards and companies, with their extensive resources and greater man-power, will be the entities dominating Google’s job listings.

Google argues that the opposite could happen: that jobs listed on lesser-known platforms and websites will have much more exposure than before, possibly more than those on popular sites. There’s also the attraction that recruiters don’t have to pay (yet) to appear in Google for Jobs’ listings – another benefit for smaller recruiters who may lack the budgets of their larger competitors.

Technology exists to make life easier, which is Google’s aim here – easier for candidates, anyway. But, what no technology outfit – even one as big as Google – can achieve is the human touch…and that’s where recruiters should look to excel. Finding out a job exists is only part of the journey; who would you speak to if you want to know more? Who can guide you through an unusual or intimidating application process? Who would know if you’re compatible with the company in question, or if the role is aligned to your values and goals? Google?

Time is the key to how things will pan out. Time that recruiters have had - Google announced this move almost a year ago, yet research has shown that 50% of the larger job-listing websites are still not set up to be read or recognised by Google for Jobs’ software. How web pages are formatted is crucial to being visible on there.

The impact of Google for Jobs is predicted to be huge, enough to change the face of how all jobs are advertised. If you’d like help to optimise your job listings, so that they’re Google-friendly, get in touch with us.

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